5 Steps to avoid getting stuck in the limbo of unfinished projects
This situation is familiar to most. In the beginning, you are full of enthusiasm and ready to conquer the whole world, but after a while, you realize that procrastination and daily routine buried your unique project under a pile of other urgent matters. An idea is very important, but it will stay just the idea if the consistency and regularity of the necessary actions for its implementation are not applied to it.
1. Put together all pieces
First write down all the tasks, deadlines, ideas, and thoughts. Houston website design company
Next – prioritize, I prefer to write letters from A to D next to the work item, where A is the most important and the most urgent task. If you feel hard on the prioritizing part, ask yourself the following questions:
- Which one has the most urgent deadline?
- Which task will give you the most positive effect after its completion?
- Is the task depends on another that should be completed first?
- Are you dependent on another person to complete this step?
2. Time to write down a map
If you have a map and the point of your destination, eventually you will get there. If not you will be just cruising around. I prefer to create a MindMap, there are a bunch of apps that you can use for free. Or you can take A2 and draw it. Houston website design company
3. Get organized
Now it’s time to transfer all this to the execution phase. A calendar and Trello can be of help to you. Scatter tasks by hours, days, months in order to understand exactly what task is allocated for what time. Then you won’t be wondering where to start every day. You will move step by step along the intended path towards your goal. Especially it’s very convenient to work in Trello or Slack if you have a team or a partner. Houston website design company
4. Set a time to review
Set aside time for yourself at the end of the week when you can review your work. Firstly, you will get satisfaction from knowing how much you have done, and will also help you adjust some tasks or add new ones. Change happens, so you’re probably updating a lot of tasks in the course of a week. This review process will help you stay on top of your moving work. Houston website design company
5. Just do it!
Now that you’ve completed the first four steps, it’s time to take action. Pull the trigger; press publish; deliver the final product. What do you do right now? Houston website design company
Based on David Allen’s GTD methodology, consider these four things:
- Context. What can you do right now?
- Time available. What do you have time to do right now?
- Energy is available. What are you able to accomplish right now?
- Priority. After answering the first three questions, start working on the highest priority item.
You can organize yourself and your team in endless ways.