7 Ways to Earn a Living from Writing
Do you love writing? Want to earn some extra income? Or do you want to make a living from your passion? Here are seven kinds of writing work you can earn money from:
1. Content writing: content writing is the art of writing copy to advertise without it looking like an advert. It could be a blog post, an article, maybe even a webpage. Employers expect you to make sure your work incorporates a given brand or link, but it can’t read like an advert.
2. Copywriting: copywriting is the marketing copy that openly tries to sell the reader something. It could be website copy, like landing pages and About pages, product descriptions, or anything else with a marketing angle.
3. Greetings cards: greetings card writers usually have some poetic skill. So if you love writing poetry, this is a great option. If you have any illustration skills to add to your writing, it will go down very well in this industry, but it is by no means essential.
4. Blogging: you can make a career out of freelance blogging; in the same way, you can make a career out of writing articles. Blogging jobs are a mix of one-offs and regular positions. If you’re prepared to do some work for free at first, this would be a great (and fun) addition to your writing workload. It also gives you an array of writing samples to put on your CV or in your portfolio.
5. Journalism: whether it’s news or articles, journalism is a vast industry covering many fields of interest. There’s something for everyone, and it doesn’t have to be news. Sure, the news is an option, but you can also write articles on pretty much anything you fancy: interior design, childcare, science – the list is endless. With so many publications online, as well as the ones you see on store shelves, there is a massive market out there for you to approach.
6. Games writing: most games incorporate text. It could be a text-heavy visual novel or just a few lines of instruction at the beginning. Games need writers to create quest text, dialogue, item descriptions, and even stories connected to the games. You may also be asked to write scripts for cutscenes. If you have a background in education or childcare, you could write for some of the many children’s games released every day. Educational games, in particular, require an expert background and could be an excellent way to supplement your income from a related career.
7. Editing and proofreading: it’s not writing, exactly, but it’s the next best thing. If you enjoy reading and have a good understanding of the written language you intend to edit in, maybe editing is for you. The difference between editing and proofreading is that editing involves more developmental work, whereas proofreading is a more basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation check. Editing work can be a nice break from writing, especially if you’re writing hardcore marketing text. The more you edit, the better your writing will be too.
So if you love writing, why not give a few of these a go? It’s easier to earn money than you think!